MantelMount Safety

MantelMount® Pull Down TV Mounts are not just mounts that lower a TV to a better viewing height. MantelMounts are designed with much more thought and consideration for the consumer experience than the other TV mounts on the market.

MantelMounts are built on three main principals and use these exclusive features below:

Smooth, easy, consistent operation

Proper Geometry

MantelMounts are built with correct geometry. This ensures that the force from the gas springs is consistent from light TVs to heavy TVs. Imitation mounts we've seen are built with INCORRECT geometry. We know…we’ve tested all of them. Some TV weights are very heavy for these mounts to lift in the upper position, and will not stay down in the lower position. They display their mounts pre-adjusted in the “sweet spot” so they appear to work smoothly on the surface, but their mount will not work the same way throughout the full range of TV weights. With incorrect geometry comes a major decline in performance and safety.


We use enhanced auto-stabilization with our gas springs to ensure that if one spring is stronger than the other, it won’t bias the mount and will maintain a level TV over time.

Safety of the TV and electronics

Horizontal Brace with Handle

Modern TVs are getting thinner and more fragile. The handle on the MantelMounts directs all of the pulling forces directly to the mount instead of pulling on the frame of the TV itself.

Temperature Sensing Handle

(included with the MM540, MM700 and MM750)
We have pull down handles that turn red at 110 degrees to warn the customer if the heat from a burning fireplace is about to damage the TV and sound bar.

Safety of the home and mounting environment

Adjustable Stops

All of the MantelMount ranges of motion have adjustable stops to prevent any part of the mount from hitting the wall or mantel.


If raising your TV from the swiveled position, MantelMount automatically straightens the TV so that it doesn't hit your wall.

Cable Routing Boxes

These boxes attach to metal conduit so that cables can be routed behind the wall without touching hot fireplace components and possibly causing a fire. They provide a permanent passageway so cables can be easily fed through the wall as new components are added.

Pulling a heavy TV off the wall on a regular basis is not something meant for just any TV mount, yet with a MantelMount it is rather easy and safe for you to do. This is because of the exhaustive thought, testing and execution we put into bringing this entire concept to market. Please understand that while a MantelMount covers all of your safety, feature and functionality needs in regards to having the RIGHT Pull Down TV Mount, we feel other imitation mounts have taken great short cuts in design and execution simply to capitalize on an emerging trend.

Our MM540 Enhanced Mount and MM340 Standard Mount have been UL Listed for safety by successfully undergoing 6000 cycles of full range motion. The MM700 and MM750 Pro Mounts also meet UL Listed standards. When we invented the Pull Down TV Mount™, we had the safety of the consumer and their family in the very forefront of our designs. Our inventor originally designed this "pull down TV mount" concept to solve a household problem for his wife and two young daughters. Safety was always his first focus. Functionality, Features and "WOW Factor" came secondary to safety. We're proud to say we instilled all of that into one TV mount, and the net result is a 4.8/5.0 customer rating and a lot of prestigious industry awards. We credit our success entirely to how MantelMount® was conceived, designed, tested and executed.

We take tremendous pride in delivering to you a product that you can depend on the safety and performance in for years to come. We hope this information helps in making your decision an easy one. Thank you very much for reading this!

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