Mantel Mount | August 29, 2024

Articulating Vs Tilting Wall Mounts: What's the Difference and Which One Do You Need?

So, you’ve found the perfect flat screen tv for your space but you have no way to install it onto your wall. It’s time to look for a great tv wall mount, but where to start and what considerations should you make? 

A great place to start, when searching for a new all mount, is to consider your tv room’s layout. Does your family have an open concept room where your tv is located so you need an articulating tv mount? Or do you have your tv in a bedroom so you are looking for a tilting tv mount?

Before making a purchase, you may have simple questions like, “What is an articulating tv mount?”or “What is a tilting tv mount?” It’s also possible to have more in-depth questions regarding wall mounts and wall material like how to mount a tv into stone or brick.

There are many different ways that a tv can mount to a wall ranging from tilting to panning and swiveling to rotating to articulating. Many tv mounts do just as their names suggest but to ensure descriptions are correct before shopping, we’re here to guide you through understanding what type of wall mounts are available.

A panning tv mount is capable of panning the television left and right but is stationary in the action so it angles the tv. Similarly, a swivel tv mount also moves the television left and right but does so through moving in a horizontal motion — side to side — but does not angle the television. 

A rotating mount, on the other hand, is not as popular of a tv mount due to its capability to rotate vertically and most tv-watchers desiring a horizontal viewing experience. A rotational mount, however, is useful for the fitness gurus out there that utilize a vertical experience with working out at home.

Many at home tv viewers utilize a tilting tv mount or, especially due to its features, an articulating tv mount, but it is important to understand what they are before buying.

What Is a Tilting TV Mount?

A tilting tv mount is a fairly simple tv mount that tilts the screen. If you have ever used a camera that is fixed to a tripod, that camera does what a tilting tv mount does: moves up and down from the fulcrum.

Although tilting a tv up so the tv is angled more towards a ceiling might not be useful — save for the instances in which there might be glare on the tv screen — tilting the tv downward can help create a better tv-viewing experience if you have to place your screen higher on the wall.

When using a tilting tv mount, it is important to take into consideration how high on the wall your tv will be mounted. If the tv is mounted too low on the wall and it tilts down, it might lend to a worse angle than if it was a fixed tv that was not on a mount. 

Tilting tv mounts are relatively common with simple technology. So what is an articulating tv mount and what are the disadvantages and advantages of each of the types of mounts? We’ll continue to look into that next.

What Is an Articulating TV Mount?

An articulating tv mount is a mount that combines the three aspects of panning, tilting, and swiveling; and as all movements are able to be used with these types of tv mounts, articulating mounts can also be referred to as full motion tv mounts.

The flexibility of the range of movements in which the tv can be viewed when seated and standing are often attractive for those who own articulating tv mounts. One drawback, however, of an articulating mount is that there needs to be enough room for the movement of the mount for the user to be able to sufficiently utilize the mount to its fullest capabilities. 

If you know what an articulating mount is, then you might think that you would need an articulated tv bracket. With an articulated tv bracket, a television viewer is able to take advantage of all of the ways that the articulating mount can be used rather than solely being able to utilize the panning or tilting aspects. An articulated tv bracket would be needed for a tv mount that does not include, in most cases, the panning capabilities to make the mount a full motion tv mount.

Deciding Between an Articulating Vs Tilting Wall Mount

Whether you’re waffling between an articulating vs tilting wall mount, or thinking about incorporating a different type of tv mount in the decision making process, it is important to take into account all of the factors including weight of the television, the wall material, the room layout and the size of the room that the mount will be in, the price, the lifespan of the mount, and even the ease of using the mount. 

MantelMount is the choice for many tv owners who are seeking an enriched and relaxing time watching television while having options for tv placement including pulling down, tilting, and swiveling.

With a MantelMount tv mount, a tv user can view their favorite shows, movies, or other programs with a mount that provides a vertical travel distance from anywhere between 26” to 30.5”, a swivel of up to 60 degrees in one way, and adjustable tilts. Whether you purchase a gateway tv mount like the MM340 Standard Pull Down TV Mount or a more advanced model like the MM540, MantelMount can help improve your tv-viewing experience.

Whether you are deciding between an articulating vs tilting wall mount or your decision includes any other type of tv wall mount, if the verdict is to purchase a MantelMount tv wall mount, make sure to use the video guides and call our friendly and knowledgeable installers for any installation assistance.